Dear SeqAn followers and bioinformatics enthusiasts,

We are delighted to announce this year’s SeqAn User Meeting 2018 from 19th to 21st of September in Berlin. For the second time we will host it as a common User Meeting of the de.NBI Center for Integrative Bioinformatics (CIBI) and cordially invite researchers in the fields of genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, data mining and bioimage analysis to come together and share their knowledge.

We are excited to demonstrate for the first time the brand-new design of SeqAn3. In this context, we have a dedicated training day for beginners and advanced users on implementing applications with SeqAn3. With the help of your feedback and our experiences from past years we are convinced that SeqAn3 will make it genuinely easier to write applications with our library, while still providing the familiar performance of our algorithms and data structures.

Furthermore, we will have a training course for data scientists to learn how to process genomics data within KNIME using SeqAn and external NGS tools and the KNIME REST Web service functionality to query information from online web services such as ENSEMBL.

Hope to see you soon!

Your SeqAn Team